T: +370 6522 8383, E: info@balticvoice.com

Voice Over Artists

At Baltic Voice, you’ll find high quality, original voice artists at economical prices. We constantly update our voice talent base, search for new talent, and expand our spectrum of foreign languages offered. Our voices are always ready to adjust to your desires. Most of your scripts can be recorded in a day, which is why we can work with short deadlines.

The language spectrum we cover includes Lithuanian, Russian, Latvian, Estonian and English voices, although by collaborating with our partners, we can offer voice-overs in almost every language. And, if we are not currently working with your preferred actor, we will contact that artist to work on your project.

If you think that your voice is suitable for voice recordings, contact us – we will arrange your pilot recording.

Voice artists



LT AdeleS
LT AgneK
LT AisteV
LT Aivaras
LT Aldas
LT AldonaV
LT Algimantas
LT AlgirdasD
LT Almantas
LT AlmantasS
LT Andrius
LT AndriusJ
LT Arminas
LT Arnoldas
LT ArunasM
LT Atene
LT AteneJ
LT AudroneL
LT AugustinasS
LT AurelijusG
LT Aurimas
LT BiruteB
LT BiruteT
LT Dainius
LT DainiusP
LT Daiva
LT DaliaM
LT DaliaS
LT Darius
LT DariusB
LT DariusZ
LT Daumantas
LT DonatasS
LT DovileI
LT DovileR
LT DovileS
LT DovileSA
LT Egile
LT EgleA
LT EgleG
LT Eidvydas
LT EimantasB
LT Elija
LT Emilis
LT Evaldas
LT GabrieleL
LT GaileA
LT GiedreB
LT GiedreR
LT Giedrius
LT Gintaras
LT GintareR
LT Ginvile
LT Gytis
LT Hermis
LT IndreK
LT IngaS
LT Irena
LT Jokubas
LT Jonas
LT JonasB
LT JuozapasL
LT JurateP
LT JurateV
LT Jurgis
LT JustasV
LT Justinas
LT JustinasS
LT KarolinaM
LT Kestutis
LT Kornelija
LT LauraB
LT Laurynas
LT LaurynasS
LT LinaB
LT Linas
LT LinasA
LT Loreta
LT Mantas
LT MantasB
LT Marcele
LT MildaG
LT Monika
LT MonikaB
LT MonikaM
LT Orestas
LT Patricija
LT Paulina
LT PauliusC
LT PauliusM
LT Perlis
LT Pijus
LT PovilasC
LT Raimonda
LT Raminta
LT Ridas
LT RimantasB
LT RitaC
LT RolandasJ
LT Romas
LT RugileR
LT Rytis
LT Sakalas
LT SakalasC
LT Sandra
LT SarunasN
LT SauliusB
LT SauliusJ
LT SauliusS
LT SauliusZ
LT SeverinaS
LT SigitaG
LT SigitaM
LT SiguteT
LT Simas
LT Toma
LT Vaidotas
LT VailiusS
LT ValdasK
LT Vida
LT Viktoras
LT Viktorija
LT Vilija
LT Vytautas
LT VytautasJ
LT VytautasRJ
LT Zygimantas
LV Anete
LV Arturs
LV Edmunds
LV Gunita
LV Ieva
LV Ilze
LV Janina
LV Janis
LV Kristine
LV Madara
LV Maris
LV Martins
LV Paula
LV Rihards
LV Roberts
LV Vitals
EE Andres
EE Anna
EE Georg
EE Helena
EE Jaak
EE Joonas
EE Kaia
EE Kristiina
EE Robert
EE Tarmo
EE Valter
EN Alex
EN Andrew
EN Anna
EN Barry
EN Ben
EN Cathrin
EN Emily
EN Jacob
EN James
EN Jean
EN Jeff
EN Kelly
EN Mike
EN Paul
EN Peter
EN Priyanka
EN Robin
EN Scott
EN Thomas
EN Tony
RU Albina
RU AleksejB
RU Aleksey
RU Andrej
RU AndrejV
RU Andzela
RU Anna
RU Anton
RU Denis
RU Dmitrij
RU Elena
RU Fedor
RU Georgij
RU Igor
RU Irina
RU Jevgenija
RU Kira
RU Lena
RU Leonid
RU Lesya
RU Ljuba
RU Ljubov
RU Maksim
RU Marina
RU Masha
RU Nadezhda
RU Nastya
RU Natalija
RU Nika
RU Pasha
RU Petr
RU Sergej
RU Tagir
RU Vadik
RU Vadim
RU VadimD
RU VadimT
RU Vlad
RU Vladislav
RU Zhenya
Balsų kastingas